Do Your Kids Love to Craft? Here is an Easy Feathered Thanksgiving Decoration
It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of holiday chaos and forget about the most important thing, family. With Thanksgiving around the corner, now is an excellent time to think about how you can take the stress out of your busy schedule by making time for your kids! One way to show your kids how much you care is by including them in Thanksgiving crafting! In this blog post, we will be creating a paper feathered garland stuffed with dried naturals, which can be hung on doors or windows. Adding a festive touch that will make any room feel warm and inviting. But, you don't have to stop at just one! This DIY is perfect for making more than one of these easy crafts so that everyone can get in on the fun. It's simple enough for even young children to help out too!
Find the Bindle & Brass elements to create this garland at your local Home Depot or purchase online by clicking the link.
Bindle & Brass Dried Oak Leaves
Bindle & Brass Lavender & Wheat Bundle
suede lace
decorative paper
hole punch
hot glue gun
Gather supplies.
Fold the paper in half length-wise.
Not cutting all the way through make 45-degree cuts from top to bottom, leaving the last inch uncut.
On the uncut end, cut parallel to the feather edge. Then create a narrow point at that end, a wide point in the middle, and a narrow point tip.
With the feather back in half to hole punch both sides of the base.
Weave the suede lace in and out through the holes in the feathers’ bases.
Using hot glue, attach dried naturals to one side of the base of the feather where the lace is.
Pull the lacing tight, hang, and enjoy.
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