10 Reasons to Go Faux with Houseplants
If you have ever seen faux roses next to living roses, you can almost immediately tell the difference. But there are some houseplants that look virtually the same whether they are faux or organic. Plants with waxy leaves and tiny flowers make excellent faux plant choices.
If aesthetically they look the same, then what is stopping you from going faux?
Some people enjoy taking care of living houseplants. You may be one of those people. However, we don’t always have the time, resources, environment or even the “green thumb” to care for them. We still want the beauty of nature indoors. This is when we have the option to go faux and there are good reasons we should.

Every plant is different. There are questions that need to be answered to know the type of plant you are dealing with. What soil does it need? How much water? How much sunlight? How often do I water it? Do I have to prune, trim or repot it? When is the growing season? Do I need to weed it? All of these factors have to be taken into account to ensure a living plant remains healthy. Most plants require some sort of maintenance and upkeep. When a living plant is unhealthy, it starts to wither and wilt. It can look yellowish and brown. The leaves can become thin and brittle. It can even start to smell if it has root rot. A faux houseplant will always look the same no matter how you care for it. There is virtually no maintenance needed whatsoever. A faux plant always maintains its beautiful appearance.
Climate can play a major role in whether your plant lives or dies. Some plants prefer hot and humid, while others prefer dry and warm climates. Without the right climate conditions, they can begin to droop, lose leaves, wilt and even die. The areas we live in differ all around the world. As humans, we keep our climate controlled based on what feels comfortable for us. This is why we invest in heating and cooling systems to change with the seasons and the temperature outdoors. A faux plant adapts to whatever climate you are living in. They are unchanging. Their look and style stays the same without any worry on your part if the temperature is suitable for both you and their survival. They need no special climate conditions to ensure their comfort and quality.
There is quite a bit of effort that goes into keeping a living houseplant a specific size and shape. Some plants growth cannot be scaled back. Healthy plants will grow. When they do grow, they need to be repotted or brought outdoors. Additionally, their shapes change when they grow. If you like the way your plant looks as is, someday it may look differently. On the other hand, faux plants never grow. They remain the same size and the same shape forever. This means that lovely faux succulent brightening up the room on your end table will always be there looking as beautiful as ever.
Just like the growth of your plant, the space to keep your plant will vary depending on its shape and size. You may not have enough windowsill or mantle space to keep your living and growing plant in the same spot. If you decide to move, you may not have the same surfaces in your new home where your plant can get adequate sunlight to survive. Perhaps, you thought your eucalyptus plant would look spectacular as a side table accent in your living room. However, you placed it on your bathroom shelving and the touch of greenery adds wonders to the space! Unfortunately, the bathroom doesn’t have enough natural light so the eucalyptus won’t last. With a faux eucalyptus, you will never run into this problem. Whether you move, rearrange the house or decide it looks better elsewhere, you will never have to worry about the space it is in. It will not change depending on its location. Forever beautiful and permanently there, until you decide to move it.
When you first purchased all of those living houseplants, you had a lot of time on your hands. Maybe you purchased them for yourself, your children or your spouse as a new hobby. Times have changed. The kids are starting school again. You started a new job. Your spouse lost interest. Whatever the circumstances might be, you simply don’t have the time to care for them anymore. The living plants still need upkeep. You aren’t sure what to do because they look incredible in your home. With faux houseplants, need not to worry. You can keep your luscious plant oasis with all the time or none of the time in the world to care for them. You won’t have to start hauling off dead plants in garbage bins. Just dust off your faux plants and allow their brilliancy to shine.
Taking care of living plants costs money. You can’t just buy them one time and expect to never spend a single dime on them again. Soil, pots, filtered water, fertilizer and whatever else your living plant may need will cost you more money in the future. A faux houseplant is a one time purchase. Unless you decide to get more! They require no extra expense once you have them.
Ready to take that week long vacation to paradise? Better hire someone to come and care for your plants. Many plants need to be watered at least once a week. If they need adequate sunlight, don’t even think about closing those blinds. Faux houseplants don’t need to be looked after even if you go away for days, weeks or months at a time. You will always come home to a vibrant and healthy plant!
Animals love the outdoors. When you bring something living inside they become very curious! Dogs and cats love to sniff around new plants. Some dogs and cats even enjoy chewing on them too! The last thing you want is your new perfectly potted lavender plant mangled with the purple flowers ripped off. A faux houseplant may look like the real thing but they don’t smell like the same thing to animals. Most animals know the difference. After a quick sniff, they will be on their way.

Similar to animals, children are quite curious! Toddlers especially love to get into everything! Living plants can be very delicate. One wrong touch to a living plant and a petal or leaf can come tumbling off. Children love to grab, touch and play. They may not know the difference between touching something gently and touching something too harshly. Faux plants are durable and resilient. Even if they are ripped from their pots, they won’t crumble or break. Never worry about having to replace them or keeping them in places where the kids can’t reach.
Insects and Allergies
Living plants can carry critters on them or in their soil. They have scents and natural properties that may cause an allergic reaction. Some people are sensitive to smells or even to certain oils on a plants leaves. All of these have to be taken into consideration when bringing living plants into the home. You may not even know you or your family members have these allergies until after the plants have arrived. If want to save yourself the trouble by avoiding this risk, faux houseplants are an easy solution. They don’t excrete oils or scents. There are no insects waiting to hatch in their soil or underneath their leaves. They are free of pesticides. Faux houseplants have no hidden surprises that may cause allergic reactions or creepy creatures to come poking out from them.
Now you know the reasons, save your dough and go faux with our new Greenery line at The Home Depot. Nature-inspired décor is a brilliant way to bring the vibrant colors and unique shapes of plants and flowers into your home and office. No fuss with all the natural beauty. Stick with the ones that suit your style for a long-lasting forever home accent.